Money Handling Blog
Curious about what to do with torn money? Click here to find out what you should do if you encounter it and how banks handle this problem.
Is your cash machine clean ? If not, use this guide to know the benefits of caring for your money counter, methods to clean the device, and how often to do maintenance.
Have you ever received counterfeit money from a bank or ATM? This article discusses the likelihood of receiving fake money from a bank and what to do in such situations.
Cash is the most popular payment method in the world. We all know that. However, the increasing availability and the greater use of electronic media with rapid growth in transaction volumes along with an increasingly digital society lead us to ask, what is the future of cash? Will paper money be phased out?
Employees stealing from a cash register at work is more common than you think. So, learn how to stop and prevent it before it eats up your revenue.
How do money counters work to save you time and money? These machines can save you a lot, so find out how they work and save yourself some cash!
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